Money can't buy happiness, but hey, who cares? We have Mastercard. We amass a lot of debt, lose/gain money in stock markets, lose our jobs and get new ones, lose friends and make new ones, lose/gain relatives and family members in the process of life. The vicissitudes of life are copious. Some of us lose the race, others keep going. What is the difference between the two?
The difference lie in the way we pursue our ambitions in life, in the way we look at life itself. Let me tell you a small but true story. There was a boy. He failed in Mathematics when he was in 7th grade. It was an ignominious event in his life. He was ashamed of himself but he knew it was imperative to do something and not get bogged down with the turn of events. He knew his problem wasn't hard work, he simply needed somebody who could explain the basic concepts clearly to him. Four years later, he secured the highest marks in Mathematics.
This teaches us an important lesson. It tells us to keep our spirits up even in the worst of times. Why? Because, it'll eventually pass. Yes, the boy in the story couldn't change the history, but he did change the future, his future. While he was sad that he had failed, he was happy that he still had another chance to prove himself. One success kills many failures.
We have all heard people whining about their life and there have been times when we have ourselves indulged in the same. Does that help? Maybe. Sometimes, we can share our negative feelings toward our lives with our loved ones but sooner or later we'll need to stop and do something about it rather than complain. Why? Because, before the dawn of realization permeates through our minds, these negative attitudes will corrode our confidence, eat-up our self image, and strangulate our conscience.
A positive attitude is what we need in the world of today to keep us going. It is not easy to keep a constructive outlook if everything around us is negative. That is when we need to have faith. Faith in ourselves and faith in our lives. We need to be steady and focused and meditate, if necessary, to give us that inner strength we need. Always remember, when the goings get tough, the tough gets going!
i guess i knw the boy u tkng abt....yaar bt wat abt a gal who has been trying quite hard but maybe losing out to her destiny...?? failures never touched her ... but suddenly she was shaken up by failing in an endeavor thrice...?? still she is glad n nt lost any hope ..coz being optimistic n positive is wat lif is all about....ofcourse things have changed... but the ray of hope lives on.....n dats the way it is...!!!
If one tries (whole heartedly) too many times for something and still doesn't get it, then its time to move on without losing the spirit. Life is all about spirit, if you have lost it, you have died before your death.
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