Tuesday, May 5, 2009

bak wid a bang !!!

hey all of u there... m bk but after a long gap...n my apologies fr that.... actually i lost the blogging spirit mid way.... i suppose may b coz my lif was jus dragging thru an extremely boring phase... rather unproductive...to be frank he he... with so much happening around the world i was simply sitting wid my same old thesis ... very monotonous trust me.. but now wid my new Research Assistant profile m rokin once again!!! its rightly said that 'its better to b busy wid smthng worthwhile than to sit on smthng hopeless' ... god i really feel the job offer was perfect in time to bless me wid dis happening lif... 'Think Tanks' r a very cool option to work wid specially wen u wrkin in ur expertise area he he... i mean Southeast Asia in particular..the other day v had an amazing seminar where our very own foreign secretary Mr Shiv Shankar Menon talked about how India is surrounded by neighbours in crisis situations currently .. its really sad to see nations like Pakistan, Sri Lanka and the very recent Nepal undergng such a major national breakdown. It is certainly a crucial phase for india as well to decide between a flexible containment of its enemies or a selective engagement with its friends in the neighbourhood. I mean being a student of international relations, i can really understand the significant strings attached to the foreign policy of the country presently. To top it all, the peaceful yet dangerous rise of China is another issue of great concern. He actually stated that the ministry of external affairs requires some very qualified set if IR specialists to influence and provide useful suggestions in the policy making task in india. it is a bad time for our country to be placed amidst such disturbed parts of the globe... Even India-Southeast Asia relations were jeopardized by the 'Red Shirts' protesting in Thailand resulting in the cancellation of the ASEAN summit...... as an aftermath the long awaited India ASEAN FTA(free trade agreement) , India's first multilateral engagement ever, is postponed indefinitely.... v can say its just not one of the best time period for nations around the world, with the 'swine flu' acting as an icing on the cake ha ha ha ......lets wait n watch the end result of all this 'Sturm und Drang (state of disturbance and disorder).... and yes if u all wanna knw anythng more about all these issues jus let me knw ... ill provide u wid da links... or jus go to ipcs.org he he ... dont u guys feel even god should give the world a break ..... he should understand we r still fighting the recession he he he n not yet ready for any more troubles ....??? wat say .... catch u later ...


geotechie said...

Good to have you back with a bang and congratulations on your internship/assistantship with IPCS. Yes, the present state of world economy and South-East Asian politics is in chaos, hope India somehow manages to escape the plight of its neighbors.

priya03in said...

Congrats once again!! good to learn a bit about ur job...however have 2 confess..was not able to muster up enuf energy to understand all the details in it....am perenially tired these days...!