Monday, January 5, 2009

Uncanny Encounter

I am going to share one of the most eerie experiences that I’ve had in my past. Some of you may laugh it off, however, I must emphasize that every bit of my narration is based on a true incident.

It was a wintery night of December 1996. I was staying in a three-storied dormitory which belonged to my University. I decided to go on the roof to get some fresh air at around 11 pm. The stairs led to the center of the shorter side of the rectangular roof. Each corner of the roof further expanded into a square extension.

There was no one on the roof. It was dark and cold. I walked slowly toward one of the corners and stood there for a long time staring at the stars and into the horizon. I looked at my watch. It was exactly midnight. A cold puff of air ran through my bones. I shivered. Suddenly, I did not feel alone.

I turned around to see if there was someone else present on the roof. To my horror, I saw “myself” standing in the center of the roof. He had a satirical smile on his face. As our eyes locked in a visual embrace, my legs froze. I was petrified with fear. It was inconceivable. All logic defied me. I was looking at myself. He had different clothes on himself, however, everything else was I.

He didn’t move. His eyes didn’t flicker. He was as steady as a rock. I, on the other hand, regained my composer and decided to leave. Sweating profusely, my eyes still locked on his, I moved slowly towards the staircase. There was something about his eyes that eluded humanity.

It took me ages to reach the staircase. I hadn’t broken my eye contact but now I had to turn around. I didn’t know how he would react once I turn around to go downstairs. I decided to take my chance, turned around and ran for my life. My room-mate was studying when I entered the room. He looked at me and said, “You alright buddy? You look like as if you just saw a ghost!” “Yeah, I am ok.” I replied.

All these years, my mind has searched for a plausible explanation. No, it was not an illusion or a figment of my imagination. An apparition? Maybe, if you believe in such an entity. Why did it look like me and why was it smiling? Did someone play a prank? Why didn’t it happen again? Perhaps, I’ll never know the answers. Perhaps, some questions are better left unanswered…

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