Monday, December 1, 2008

Time to Unite

The recent terror attacks in Mumbai, India have led me to believe that the Indian government lacks the capability to provide safety to its citizens. A lot of people have died since the attack at Indian parliament, however, the Indian government continues to be amazingly callous to its security and intelligence. The screams of dying citizens have gradually dampened in the cacophony of the politicians' finger pointing and glib tongued responses.

Indians have let their politicians fool them for too long. The British are long gone, however, their divide and rule policy still exists. Politicians have been playing with people's emotions and patience for a long time in lieu of providing them with better law and order, better education, better health and hygiene, better infrastructure, a better life.

People that represent a democratic country/state are often a reflection of the society which empowers them. It is, therefore, the responsibility of the citizens to chose an accountable representative. India is marred by rampant corruption at every level in the society which doesn't make things any easier. The complexity of India is further increased with the presence of a diverse population. Is there any unity in diversity?

Kashmir has been bleeding to it's death since three decades. The insurgents in North-East wants separate land for them. Maharastra Navnirmaan Sena stokes fire to expel North Indians from Maharastra. Some Sikhs want their Khalistan. The Naxalites wrec havoc in Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Chattisgarh, and West Bengal. Some Muslims support Pakistan even though they earn their bread and butter in India. SIMI indulges in terror activities, RSS wants to kill the Christians and Muslims. The upper caste distances themselves from the untouchables and women feticides are common all over the country. Tamils hate Hindi, North Indians ridicule South Indians. Where is the unity in diversity?

People in India are so busy fighting each other that they have forgotten their basic focus. What do we need? We need love and respect, education and eventually a job, proper medical facilities, effective law enforcement, and a decent infrastructure. Do we get all that in India? No. Why? Because our politicians don't care.

It is time for the Indian people to come of age, to put their petty differences aside and come together as a unit. We need to remind all our representatives of our power and ask them to treat us with respect. These politicians have taken us for granted for a long time, it is time we let them know.

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